
Breed Info

Children Friendly

Doodles get along well with children, and they're not so tiny that they can't live in a household with a toddler.

Excellent housekeeper

Doodles make excellent watchdogs and will alert their people to approaching strangers, but it's not their style to bark without cause.

Coming Soon

We currently have a litter of Goldendoodles available now!!! The beginning of October we will have a litter of F1 Aussie doodles as well as an F1B litter of Aussie doodles!

17-22 inches
10 - 13 years
30-50 pounds


This is a smart, loving dog who wants to spend lots of time with his people. A fun-loving freethinker, the Doodle takes well to training when it’s done in a positive manner with lots of food rewards, praise, and play. Excellent dogs for hiking, camping, swimming, anything you love, they’ll love to go too!


Doodles are fairly easy to groom and need only an occasional brushing to keep their coat healthy. They are minimal shedders. Begin grooming your Doodle at a young age and teach your puppy to stand on a table or floor to make this experience easier on both of you.